Induction, Waiting, Induction?

Right before our induction here in Hays on Tuesday afternoon, I accidentally opened a can of worms by asking our OB if there was any reason to be concerned by the suspected uterine attachments mentioned in our ultrasound notes in relation to the induction.  He was fairly concerned since he was totally unaware of them and immediately recommended that we not go into the induction until he'd researched it more.  While this is good and was the right call, it was also very hard for Tella and I in a unique way.  While both of us are confident that delivering our girls' bodies will be very hard for us emotionally and psychologically, we also had both geared ourselves up for it and were prepared to take that step Tuesday night.  To suddenly not be taking that initial, hard step towards some semblances of closure left us both feeling a bit like we were in limbo.

Today (Wednesday), we had to bounce back and forth between several parties, but ultimately it is deemed safest that we deliver in Wichita as we are a slightly elevated risk for complications and they have 24/7 staff, whereas Hays has to call theirs in late at night.  While this is not what either of us want as we have no family or support structure in Wichita, we do want to be safe with Tella.  Ultimately, we would rather not have any increased risk for Tella --even if it is a very low risk-- just based on recent occurrence's track records.  I'm not sure what this means on some logistics levels as we will likely have to use a Wichita mortuary, and I'm not sure how long it takes to process bodies or what all needs to happen to transport them, but these are details that we can figure out once we are there.

For now, please feel free to pray for us as delivering the girls' bodies will likely be very hard for both of us and does pose some slightly elevated risks to Tella.  It will also be hard for Simon to be spending more time away from us and a bit harder for us since it will be quite a bit further away from us.  Thanks again for your prayers and support, and I will keep you all updated.


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