Grace's Status and Prayer Requests

Yesterday's travel went much more smoothly, overall, with some small hiccups and highlights.  Due to the tight nature of our time this morning, I'll gloss over that for now.  Yesterday's visit at least brought peace with our course of action up until then.  Grace is dying; her Dopplers were worse with new, intermittent, bradycardia (slow heart rate) appearing in between a more normal heart rate.  This is in addition to other abnormal and worsening readings.  The doctor said she was glad we were in yesterday and not today, or it may be too late to intervene to protect Baby B.  

We decided to name Grace: Grace Mary Nimz just this morning.  Grace is a grace to us and to her sister.  Mary means a few things, including beloved.  We've also decided to use Jessie in Baby B's name.  Jessie means 'He sees' or 'The Lord exists.'  It's also in honor of my great grandma, who was very sweet and loving in her life.

Our radio frequency ablation is scheduled for around 8AM Eastern time.  I shared with Grace that mom, her sister, and I are here to be with her until she crosses to the other side.  I told her God is with her on both sides.  I told her sister that we're planning to wait like we did with Simon to pick her name after she's born.  I reminded her God is with her and all of us on both sides, too; I said that's a cool thing that keeps all of us linked.  This will be true even after Grace crosses over.  

Please keep us all in prayer as we escort Grace as far as we can on this side.  Please pray for protection for Baby B Jessie Nimz or Jessie Baby B Nimz (whichever we go with).  As long as her heart is still beating after the procedure when they check on Friday, she'll have avoided the 10% death risk.  Also pray for her and Tella.  Premature delivery is the remaining 5% risk.  We'll stay in the Ronald McDonald house here in Philadelphia until they clear us to return.  Tella is on bed rest until then.  Simon is with the grandparents back at the Ronald McDonald house this morning.  


  1. Thank you for updating us, we will continue in prayers for you all friends. Hearts are heavy for you today but Praise God for His peace as He walks with you through this. You are all being lifted up today!!!


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